
I focus on agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa. My research interests include: irrigation management in Uganda; technology diffusion and the productivity of rice cultivation in Tanzania; the adoption of micro-dose fertilization technologies in Madagascar; the improvement of the economic livelihood of South Sudanese refugees in Uganda; the uptake of desertification prevention technology in Burkina Faso; as well as the adoption of mechanized System of Rice Intensification (MSRI) in Bangladesh.

主な研究トピック / Research Interest

  • ウガンダにおける灌漑管理と稲作生産性
  • タンザニアにおける稲作の技術普及と生産性
  • マダガスカルにおける少量施肥技術(P-dipping)の普及と稲作生産性
  • ウガンダにおける南スーダン難民の所得向上の方策
  • ブルキナファソにおける砂漠化防止技術の普及
  • バングラディシュにおける機械化されたSystem of Rice Intensification (SRI)と稲作の生産性

主な研究業績 / Selected Publications

査読付き学術論文 / Refereed Journal Articles

(英語 / In English)
  • Magezi, E.F., Y. Nakano, and T. Sakurai. 2021. "Determinants of Mechanization in Rice Production in Tanzania: Evidence from Panel Data." Japanese ournal of Agricultural Economics, 23, 77-82.
  • Nakano, Y. and E.F. Magezi. 2020."The Impact of Microcredit on Agricultural Technology Adoption and Productivity: Evidence from Randomized Control Trial in Tanzania." World Development,23, 104997.
  • Magezi, E.F.and Y. Nakano. 2020."The Impact of Microcredit on Household Income:The Case of BRAC in Tanzania."JapaneseJournal of Agricultural Economics, 22, 129-134.
  • Khan, M.F., Y. Nakano and T. Kurosaki. 2019. "Impact of Contract Farming on Land Productivity and Income of Maize and Potato Growers in Pakistan."Food Policy, 85, 28-39.
  • Nakano,Y. Y. Tanaka, and K. Otsuka. 2018. "Impact of Training on the Intensification of Rice Farming: Evidence from Rain-fed Areas in Tanzania."Agricultural Economics,49(2), 193-202.
  • Nakano,Y., T.Tsusaka, T.Aida, and V. Pede. 2018."Is Farmer-to-Farmer Extension Effective? The Impact of Training on Technology Adoption and Rice Farming Productivity in Tanzania" World Development, 105, 336-351.
  • Otsuka, K. Y. Nakano and K. Takahashi. 2016. "Contract Farming in Developed and Developing Economies."Annual Review of Resource Economics, 8: 353-376.
  • Kumari, R. and Y. Nakano. 2016. "Does Land Lease Tenure Insecurity Cause Decreased Productivity and Investment in the Sugar Industry? Evidence from Fiji."Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics,80(3), 406-421.
  • Nakano, Y.and K. Otsuka. 2011. “Determinants of Household Contribution to Collective Irrigation Management: Case of the Doho Rice Scheme in Uganda.” Environment and Development Economics, 16(5), 527-551.
(日本語 / In Japanese)
  • 中野優子(2019)「タンザニアの稲作農業の発展」、『国民経済雑誌』、219巻1号pp.21-34。
  • 徳田進平、中野優子(2015)「タンザニアの稲作における新技術の収益性」、『農学国際協力』、13巻 pp.55-68。
  • 中野優子(2005)「タンザニアにおけるメイズ市場の空間的統合」、『農業経済研究 別冊 日本農業経済学会論文集』、pp.529-535。

分担著書 / Book Chapters

(英語 / In English)
  • Nakano, Y., K.Kajisa, K.Otsuka. 2016. “On the Possibility of Rice Green Revolution in Irrigated and Rainfed Areas in Tanzania: An Assessment of Management Training and Credit Programs.” in Otsuka, K. and D.F. Larson eds. In Pursuit of an African Green Revolution: Views from Rice and Maize Farmers’ Fields. pp. 39-64. Springer.
  • Nakano, Y., Bamba, I., Diagne, A., Otsuka, K., and Kajisa, K. 2013. “The Possibility of a Rice Green Revolution in Large-scale Irrigation Schemes in Sub-Saharan Africa,” in Otsuka,K. and Larson,D. eds. An African Green Revolution-Finding Ways to Boost Productivity on Small Farms. pp.43-70. Springer.
(日本語 / In Japanese)
  • 中野優子 (2018) 「アフリカにおける緑の革命にむけて」、『経済セミナー』、No.703. pp-32-36。
  • レオン愛、中野優子、小原洋 (2017) 「モニタリングとモデリングに基づく 物質動態広域評価の最前線 —広域における炭素・窒素・水の動態を探る— 5.日本と発展途上国農村における聞き取り調査の手法」、日本土壌肥料学雑誌、 第88 巻 第5 号 pp.465‐470。
  • 片柳薫子、レオン愛、中野優子、小原洋、木村園子ドロテア(2016) 「研究会開催報告 第8回モニタリングと広域評価を考える会:聞き取り調査を広域評価に活かす」、日本土壌肥料科学雑誌、87巻2号pp.163-166。
  • 中野優子 (2015)「アフリカにおける緑の革命」、『アジ研ワールドトレンド:特集アフリカ農村開発の新機軸』、No.239. pp.6-10。